Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Back to basics venturing: part 2


Let’s take a look at the macro affects on venturing in software, which is a very important industry that reflects many of the tensions in the broader economy; suffering from extremist cultural ideology not unlike America. Predatory anti-trust abuses well documented and poorly managed on one side, and freeism sourced from academia and government cultures on the other, neither of which is generally good for the customer, broader economy, or the majority of entities involved.........

The venture capital arms race

In recent years institutional capital has reacted by throwing more capital at the problem seeking the one big win out of ten, driven not by market needs, but rather asset allocation at large institutions and protectionism, forcing other markets around the world to react in an ever growing venture capital war reminiscent of the cold war arms race. Far too many of the wrong ventures have been funded with far too much capital for the wrong reasons; regional economic development mandates, political ideology, and few options for elephants. You can see a piece here on the macro VC math problem by Fred Wilson......

Go here to read to part 2

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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Back to basics venturing: part 1

Entrepreneurs are in exceptionally challenging waters today, meaning that so too is the economic recovery and our collective economic future, yet their voices are often overwhelmed by the noise of government take-overs, bailouts, sovereign debt, reforming outdated institutions, and politics…

Reforms are essential to everything discussed here, but let’s not forget why– the underlying force that builds and rebuilds economies, allows taxes to be paid, and creates jobs. It isn’t car giants, or computer giants, or retail giants, government programs, speculative bubbles, financial engineering, or frankly large consolidated anything…. in fact the force can succeed despite these best efforts to destroy it.......