Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Systemic failure requires new holistic cure

Systemic failure requires new holistic cure

By Mark Montgomery

As I scanned mass media’s response to the latest terrorist incident, I found very little evidence from representatives of our democracy either in government or journalism who understand the complex issues involved with prevention of systemic crises.

Among the most informed voices I found on this latest terrorism incident is Eugene Robinson at the Washington Post who is one of few who apparently can see the broader problem with respect to counter terrorism. After asking a series of logical questions in his column, he suggests:

“If that’s how the system works, we need a new system.”

Mr. Robinson is correctly stating a fundamental truism; systemic crises require systemic solutions, or a new holistic system designed for the specific challenge. He closes the column with another statement demonstrating wisdom:

“I can’t escape the uneasy feeling that we’re fighting, and escalating, the last war — while the enemy fights the next one.”

Drawing from multiple disciplines in system design

From a system complexity perspective, which is invaluable during the design phase, I often compare large organizations like the U.S. Government to biological systems.... 


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